Wednesday, June 15, 2011

3D Printing: Shapeways

Rhino/Grasshopper Files

Rhino File:

Grasshopper File:

Draft Poster Panel

Final 500 Words

The concept, themes and ideas incorporated in my scheme was heavily influenced from the research and analysis from the tier2 papers. The themes that have been significant in designing my model were nature and nonlinear systems, in which briefly is how nature through both its function and formality influenced architecture. Through these two themes, it gave me an idea of creating a structure that is almost cell-like, and thought it would be an amazing experience being able to stand below or even see the structure in context on the site.

Non-linear systems explored my themes of natural form and function furthermore through its extremity in terms of form. Non-linear systems specifically explore the use of curvilinear geometries, geometries which cannot be bound by two points, hence not being a straight line.

The cell structure explores the ideas of both the themes of nature and non-linear systems; furthermore I believe also fits perfectly in context with the site. Part of the scheme for my designed model was to incorporate the environment to my own model. For example, in designing a cell structure, yet placing it in an urban environment, or in a busy city environment where the model would be surrounded by high-rise buildings, the cell-structure would appear alienated, as both its form and functionality don’t fit in with its surroundings.

In placing the cell-structure along where the Bennelong Apartments would be, I believe creates a strong sense of relationship between nature/environment and the building. The building which is almost devoured by the greenery as well as the ocean justifies the strong relationship between the environment and the structure. Furthermore through the open ‘holes’ representing a cell, it would obviously illuminate natural lighting into the structure, whether the holes would be covered in glass or left as a void, the relationship between nature and the building would still be strong.

I believe the idea of curvilinear form also fits well in its context of site, as the site the Bennelong apartments are located on is slightly curvature. In having similarities with its location, i believe it creates a much more suitable place for a cell-structure to be in context with the site. I also believe the cell-model would be aesthetically pleasing as it represents nature and is surrounded by nature, but also through its aesthetical forms. The cell structure would be able to be seen from nearly high-rise buildings as well as from the ocean, which I believe would definitely captivate a tourist/viewers attention, and also have a sense of ‘invitation’ to the structure, as the structure is dominantly ‘open’. Through the ideas of aesthetics and ‘openness’, it would want the viewer to gain an experience through the cell structure.

The cell structure in architectural terms, would not be suited as a home or office building.
Through the latitudinal and longitudinal section guides, it can be illustrated that the model/structure would entirely be open, and would be a structure that would be a public access. In terms of architecture, because of the dominant open spaces, it is best considered an architectural sculpture which explores the schemes of curvilinear and extreme geometries in architecture. In being a public access structure, the model could be in my opinion a popular spot for picnics. In relation to the site, it is dominantly surrounded by nature, hence the structure being about to dwell in its site context.

Poster Layout Draft

500 Words Poster Draft

500 words outlining concepts, themes and ideas incorporated in your scheme

The concept, themes and ideas incorporated in my scheme was heavily influenced from the research and analysis from the tier2 papers. The themes that have been significant in designing my model were nature and nonlinear systems, in which briefly is how nature through both its function and formality influenced architecture. Through these two themes, it gave me an idea of creating a structure that is almost cell-like, and thought it would be an amazing experience being able to stand below or even see the structure in context on the site.

Non-linear systems explored my themes of natural form and function furthermore through its extremity in terms of form. Non-linear systems specifically explore the use of curvilinear geometries, geometries which cannot be bound by two points, hence not being a straight line.

The cell structure explores the ideas of both the themes of nature and non-linear systems; furthermore I believe also fits perfectly in context with the site. Part of the scheme for my designed model was to incorporate the environment to my own model. For example, in designing a cell structure, yet placing it in an urban environment, or in a busy city environment where the model would be surrounded by high-rise buildings, the cell-structure would appear alienated, as both its form and functionality don’t fit in with its surroundings.

In placing the cell-structure along where the Bennelong Apartments would be, I believe creates a strong sense of relationship between nature/environment and the building. The building which is almost devoured by the greenery as well as the ocean justifies the strong relationship between the environment and the structure. Furthermore through the open ‘holes’ representing a cell, it would obviously illuminate natural lighting into the structure, whether the holes would be covered in glass or left as a void, the relationship between nature and the building would still be strong.

I believe the idea of curvilinear form also fits well in its context of site, as the site the Bennelong apartments are located on is slightly curvature. In having similarities with its location, i believe it creates a much more suitable place for a cell-structure to be in context with the site. I also believe the cell-model would be aesthetically pleasing as it represents nature and is surrounded by nature, but also through its aesthetical forms. The cell structure would be able to be seen from nearly high-rise buildings as well as from the ocean, which I believe would definitely captivate a tourist/viewers attention, and also have a sense of ‘invitation’ to the structure, as the structure is dominantly ‘open’. Through the ideas of aesthetics and ‘openness’, it would want the viewer to gain an experience through the cell structure.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sections and Site Plan

Final Rhino Model Renders

Rhino Model Renders

Description Files

Description Files w/o comments
Description Files with comments

12 Iterations

Laser cutting model development

In further discussions with the tutors, I've changed from laser cutting to 3d printing as the model i have designed had non-linear geometries throughout the models, for example, each of the circles had its own separate curvatures.

The materials i have chosen to print my model was white plastic, and the overall size of the model is 10.2x16.8x3.7cm

Laser cutting model

In Developing the final cell-structure model as my proposed geometry for my laser cutting model, in order to cut and organize the model, i have decided to arrange points of intersection between each surfaces.

Each of the surface have been set an offset in order to create a intersecting surface between each circles. However, the closest i could get in designating points of intersections was slim. Some of the points appeared to be appearing where the surfaces intersected, and some were far off from the intersecting surfaces.

In consultation with my tutor, the initial idea in creating a set of intersection points didn't go too well, and started on a new idea of creating contour layers within the cell-structure.

Grasshopper Experimentation

Geometries and forms i have developed through the extensive readings and research i have done for the tier2 papers, resulted in experimenting with cell-like geometries, where the form would be irregular.

Cell-draft models

Weirdly, everything was working at one point, i think i accidentally moved or changed a plug but the offset function stopped working. The offset function was supposed to create the remaining holes in the wall, as it offsets a hole from how much distance it was set as input by a slider.
Architecturally wise i seemed promising, yet geometrically quite simple. In terms of site-context i felt as if the model suited along where the Bennelong apartments were located, however in using grasshopper and its usage to create and manipulate extreme geometries, i have moved from the more realistic conventional geometry into a more curvilinear form.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Images of influence

Design and geometry formed from nature and systems biology

The picture of the cell, which seems to be numerous cells stuck together, creates a interesting geometry, however architectural-wise i believe it would be unstable.
White/Red blood cells
These blood cells also have a very interesting geometry, especially the middle cell, i could see it as a building that is formed with numerous curvilinear geometries.
The image above is something that i would like to consider as being part of the wall of my cell-structure, in that through these holes, it would emphasise the influence from cell as well as emphasise the cell-like structure of the building. It would also create a lovely sense of shading through the illumination of natural lighting.
The cell above is almost similar to the very first cell in that it seems like separate cells are stuck onto each other to create another big cell.I believe this geometry would also be interesting in terms of architecture, as from cutting the form in half and having a flat base, it would be quite stable, and each of the spheres that are popping out could also create a interesting form.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Assignment 2 Proposal

Nature and Nonlinear Systems Biology and Design intersect ideas through aspects of design and geometry, in which natural forms generally consists of nonlinear geometries, and nonlinear systems biology and design also explores forms of nonlinear geometries. The two themes of studies also intersect ideas in terms of design as systems biology explores the concept of cell biology in which contains numerous forms of nonlinear geometries. In comparison to nature, which includes the forms created from plants and animals, too have forms incorporating cell structures and cell biology, yet again containing numerous forms of non linear geometries. These forms relate back to the proposed site in Circular Quay, Bennelong apartments by Andrew Anderson and PTW architects, which is located along the harbour side, in which takes form of nonlinear geometries. The two themes of studies also intersect ideas in my concept with experimental modelling based on the proposed site, as I plan to model a nonlinear cell-like building which is surrounded by nature itself. The cell-form intersects both ideas explored in nature and nonlinear systems, as a cell is nature under a microscope and is formed through numerous nonlinear geometries. I also believe that the forms present in nature, are similar to the forms present in nonlinear systems biology and design, as nonlinear systems biology and design emphasizes the forms of curvatures, as linear mathematically means points which exists on the same line, hence creating a straight line, whereas nonlinear is when points do not exist on the same path of line, creating curves.